About This File
Fighting Is Magic (Mod) Mac Port Even if you don't like this game, or don't have a Mac, please upvote this for visibility. This is a self-post on a throwaway account— the only benefit I derive from this post's success is from knowing I helped others. To download MY LITTLE PONY FIGHTING IS MAGIC DEMO, click on the Download button Based on the beloved animated series My Little Pony: Friendship figting Magic, Fighting is Magic underwent nearly two years of development.

My Little Pony Fighting Is Magic
My first theme for the Hyperspin arcade frontend, mainly because a 2D Fighter Maker game ended up on the Hyperspin frontend and I would love to see Fighting Is Magic in an arcade cabinet, or any arcade for PC. This is a theme for Crashie-PP's Fighting Is Magic Premium, another endeavor to revive a fighting game based on My Little Pony, which the game was cancelled because of Hasbro's C&D sent to Mane6 (before working on Them's Fighting Herds with Lauren Faust.) with the leaked EVO 2012 build.
NOTE: Also contains wheel.
MLP © Hasbro
Fighting Is Magic and FIM Premium © Crashie-PP and Mane6